Design inspired by your local bread baking half-elf.

A Most Cruel & Beautiful Huntress..


Heya! Thanks for taking the time and checking out my carrd and stuff! There's a lot ahead of you, so please read anything important (usually in red!), otherwise, skim, speed read, or read it all! I won't stop you. Anyway, I'm open to both private and public RP!
I prefer it gone through /t, /em, or /party (in that order.)
Read more in #ooc on this subject!
Sorry-not-sorry, but Mare is probably going to be required if you want to RP with me.(Scenes involving ERP or otherwise 'sus' themes will not be broadcast in public channels.)

This is still a WIP, and things will definitely change overtime, so be sure to check back!

"Good Answer . . . But good answers, aren't always the right, answers."

Freydis hails from Ivalice, Skatay. She has very pale skin, dark red hair that's usually in a pony tail, and bright red eyes. She was kidnapped at a very young age by Imperial soldiers to not only then be sold in the dark market at a very high bidding in Kugane to a wealthy Hyur family as a Retainer. Her name at birth was Freydis Kahlberg, but this was stripped away from her and she was given the name "Rini", meaning "Little Bunny". This would be the seed that would eventually fester and tear at her psyche. As Freydis grew up, she slowly began to hate the Hyur more and more throughout her captivity.. She also began to grow a very strong distrust with the other races. During her training/conditioning as a retainer, one of the trainers were rather physically and mentally abusive. This eventually lead to Freydis' mind breaking, causing her to speak in the third person. Now-a-days, she's overcome that issue for the most part. There are times and.. under certain conditions.. she may fall back into that mindset; but it is and will be rare. She picked up using Katana's during her time in Kugane, mostly when she would go and grab them from the displays when her masters were asleep, or away. She would practice with them quite often, and infact, got quite good at wielding and using them. She used a small range of Tachi, Odachi, and various Katana's. She was only ever caught once, and was.. punished rather harshly, though she never thought twice of using her newfound skills on her masters..

Once the head of the family that owned her grew of old age they eventually decided to let her free; free of any obligations to anyone or anything. Whether it was due to regrets, guilt, or they simply felt she lived to her worth for them is unclear to Freydis. She knew she was just being replaced, but she was still happy to be let free.

Freydis did feel sympathy for her owners to some capacity, as any captive would bound to it's owner for an extended period of time. In her case, she was around the age 60 years old by the time she was set free; which is still incredibly young for Viera, mind you. Freydis set out on an expedition to Eorzea for a change of scenery, and to learn the ways of the world outside of her place of keeping, and her home Skatay; she didn't want to go back just yet, so instead she went aboard a voyage across the sea's to Eorzea. She eventually found Gridania and began to slowly fall in love, getting lost in a somehow familiar(?) but still very foreign wood. Sometime down the road, Freydis found herself in Ul'dah—that's where jobs were most abundant for her line of work, so it's only natural she stumbled there sooner or later.

After some time learning many things about the world that she never even could have imagined—with being held captive in the same home for so long; she heard some of the most interesting whispers about Voidsent. She's come to learn what they were a little bit over the years, but she was still a little lost on them. Even so, she explored these rumors about a certain jobstone that would give the user unimaginable power, but at the cost of making a contract with a Voidsent. Surrendering souls to it and in turn, gaining more power. Freydis liked the idea of this a lot, and so.. she set out to find one for herself. After many, many months of searching, she finally found one. It was cracked, dusty, and hidden away underground in the depths of Garlemald..

Disappointed she returned home to Eorzea and overtime, she would hear faint whispering that eventually grew louder and louder. She carried the stone with her everywhere she went, hoping she would figure out it's secrets. The Voidsent finally got through some time later, not exactly speaking to Freydis with any coherency that she could tell, but she.. knew what to do. As if being possessed. She did what she knew best.. Hunting.. Capturing.. Though they were no ordinary hunts, no. She tracks people down, if her services were requested.. Either for assassination, slave trade, information, or just.. for fun. Upon finding her query, a small street rat that no one would miss. She took them to a secluded place where she caged, tortured, and broke them down until they were sufficiently obedient. The time came to sacrifice this poor Raen, drawing unfamiliar runes around them on the floor with their blood as they would lie there, barely conscious. All Freydis had to do now was take their life—and that's exactly what she did. The moment she slid a blade through their ribcage and into their heart, she could feel it.. She was changing. Agonizingly slow.. the pain was unimaginable, her eyes filling with blood as new fangs sprouted in place of her old; claws growing that were just as sharp as the finest daggers.. Her heartbeat slowing, until eventually.. stopping. Sealing her contract with the Voidsent that communicated through the stone. She was dead; and so was her victim. Though, this cunning Viera didn't want to lose her new prize just yet, and in turn had a collar procured beforehand by a 'friend'—staving off permanent death so long the collar remained around their neck. By doing so, she played a trick on the voidsent, but the deal was already made. However, the Raen in question seemed different even still.. Perhaps a piece of them was missing.. The Raen came-to before Freydis, screaming and confused, scared, shaking.. cold.. she didn't attempt to leave, not that she could.. After a significant amount of time passed, Freydis finally woke up in turn with a new thirst for Aether and blood.. Finally getting what she wanted. The Reaper jobstone's power.. It was intoxicating.. overwhelming, even.. Perfect, for a hunter.

About Freydis..

Age: 109
Apparent Age: Early 20's
Race: Viera | Veena
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi-Sexual - Prefers FemAu Ra - Miqo'te - Viera (F&M)
Eyes:Red | (Amber/Topaz, with a golden glow. Under certain conditions.)
Hair: Dark Red.
Skin: Extremely Pale | Freckles
Occupation: You should figure this out in-character.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Voice: Soft & Raspy-ish | Scandinavian Accent.
Hobbies: ??? , Hunting, Observing others
Known Languages: Common, Far Eastern (Doman/Hingan, etc.), ??? (Secret)
Tattoos: Has various Viking-like tattoo's up her arms (One being an entire sleeve), chest, and back.
Scars: "SLAVE" carved into the right side of her neck. Various scars marking up her arms from self harm & torture.
Weapons: Scythe / Katana
Personality: Suspicious, Cruel, Self Serving.
Accent: Heavy Scandinavian
Aether/Magick Ability: Untrained, potential unknown

Habits / Traits / Distinct Markings• Dislikes / Distrusts other races quite a bit; primarily Hyur.
• Rini talks in the third person when she's forced into submission, and talks in first person when in her normal day-to-day/dommy moods.
• She loves ear rubs.
• She tends to be rather cold and uncaring.
• She usually gets along well with other Viera. Approach cautiously if you are not.
• She will rebel violently against captivity.
• Her ears are an erogenous zone.. be careful.(?)
Her Likes / Dislikes• She loves carrot stews of all sorts. Or anything with carrots in them, or just carrots!
• She loves being out in the woods of Gridania and other forests.
• She likes colder weather.
• She dislikes the sun.
• She hates fire.
• She hates disobedience and uppitiness.
Vampyr.. (Rough WIP | Read Bottom)• She's been turned a vampire on purpose via a deal with a Voidsent.
• She is extremely powerful, though she has yet to learn how to harness her newfound abilities.
• She is undead, so everything that comes with that is probably safe to assume for her, good and the bad.
• The sun can-and-will have negative effects on her; regardless of feeding. Though I don't want to meta all the information, you know.
• Silver is like poison to her, cutting, stabbing, shooting, etc, with silver will cause her to be weakened, slower, more vulnerable. She can reverse this by feeding on blood only. Aether will not cure her poison riddled body.
• She can eat food and drink water and other liquids just fine, unless she's been poisoned by silver.
• I'm a Vampire Diaries fangirl, so a stake to the heart won't exactly kill her, it will just freeze her in place in a way, draining all blood from her body until someone comes along and removes it from her undead heart.
• She can temporarily "die" (Aka; go "unconscious" in a dead-like state) if she loses enough blood without feeding. It may take 6-12 hours for her to recover, depending on the severity of her wounds. In this state, she is vulnerable.

***(I am taking suggestions and feedback, as I do not want to be overpowered and god-rp at any point—That being said, I wanna just do my own thing at the same time.)***

Out of Character Information

So I guess I'll start with that I've been playing FFXIV for a few years now. I started way back on primal as a Miqo'te, on a trial account. I quit shortly after that, then came back and made an Au Ra girl also on primal; that I played on for a good bit. Eventually I stopped playing there due to boredom and lack of interesting people— minus my small friend group. I came to Balmung awhile ago, and made another Miqo'te (Who is now a FemRa in canon; God I love Au Ra), and well.. that's Kiyoko! My main that I've sunk way too many hours into.I'm a pretty chill person, I love all sorts of games- some of which may surprise you. I'm a fucking emo, and listen to old bands like C&C, ADtR, SOAD, Slip, FIR, BB, BFMV, PtV (Ugh, yes), BvB, BtF (Ugh, yes x2), and many more. But I also love Joyner Lucas, Eminem, Little Dicky, (snort), BLACK PINK, and others. Uhmmm.. Yeah! If you wanna know more, ask I guess.
Thanks for reading, dork.

I'm very much into "Normal" RP as I am in ERP. ERP is for my alts now though. Sorry, can't dick the Princess. (My main)
• I AFK a LOT. If I don't respond sometimes, that's more than likely why.
• I'm a fantasia addict.. → Can I have it? ←
• Uhh, I'm a girl? Weird.
• I'm over 21.
• I keep all E/RP in-game between characters | Do not try to bring ERP OOC.
• When my switch is flipped, I'm kind of an entirely different person so don't be alarmed. Or be alarmed, what do I care?
• I make friends fairly easily, so don't be fooled by my appearance or the way I talk sometimes.
One thing I hate: Do not just start RP with me unless I have the RP tag on! You will be either ignored or turned down. Otherwise, feel free to just /tell and chill with me.


Below is just some general idea's of what you could expect from writing. It is by no means a "have to" or anything like that. Just some simple hooks to let you get a feel for the character or pop some idea's in your head.Or we could just use one below! That's why they're there after all!

Assassin/Bounty Hunter/Tracker for Hire..

She's on the fresh side of things when it comes to being hired to hunt, but she'll get the job done. Probably. Most days she can more than likely be found in taverns or the Adventurer's Guild. She wanders the world a lot.(Keep in mind, she goes by Rini, hardly even remembers her birth name.)Will you hire her for your awful (or good) deeds?

Attack! Attack!

It's safe to assume, Freydis has enemies. Whether they're the Brass Blades, local gangs, other bounty hunters, or just some unlucky schmuck she made into a widow; she's likely pissed someone off somewhere.And what did she do to you, hmm?

"Your eyes they have a certain.. hunger, to them.."

Most of the time, Rini's eye's will be her natural sanguine hue. Though, you may catch her when her eyes are.. of a much more distinct color & vibrancy. Go ahead.. gaze into her eyes.."Oh.. They're so.. so.. beautiful.."

The following page is completely optional.I hornypost a lot, let's be honest, but ERP is not my main focus believe it or not. I am more than likely into a lot more shit than you, especially when it comes to the darker things.I do not do one-off's. Those days are long behind me, and I don't plan on bringing that back unless you're extremely lucky and I'm bored enough. Sorry, but figure out a hook and make the E/RP canon for all parties, otherwise, stick to regular RP.Pervert.Do not enter if under the age of 18.↑(Currently unavailable.)↑









